
The host site also describes Tera Gold some of

  Then trade for many Mithril legs and a helmet. Next bam, full through solid steel Mith. It may take a long time to find someone who has something interesting to invest, but if current transactions at the time and it is possible that many of the runes! Background. In addition, the host site also describes Tera Gold some of the "TERA" political systems, combat systems, etc, but most of the details have been disclosed in previous reports reports.According foreign media, mass USA. UU. announced the first service of "Tera" in the "Battle of the server" content.

  This system is designed to increase until the end PVE and PVP content. Producer Chris Hager said that this means that some players from other servers in the region, invading the space. Association between the need to ally with each other, may be expelled from the attackers. If a player in which the Alliance is strong enough, can also return to the nest 
and intruder.Simply words, this system is a "cross-service group play against the players."

  This book will be held this year in North America, Alpha beta testing next year will 
be officially launched its operations in the spring. According to previous reports, when the U.S. also will serve the WOW Gold integration technology of the new platform to control the player and misleading information on the site goldsmith behavior.Public host the most striking Masse as the first mention in the "Tera" game to join a server vs server battle against the plan.

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