
Eden Gold international community's action in Libya has meant

  And he gave up Libya as a "lesson of what the international community can achieve when we are together as one." Although he warned that "we can not and must not intervene every time there is injustice in the world," Mr. Obama said that the international community's action in Libya has meant that for four decades, a Libyan, "It can walk the streets, the tyrant free. " Obama has announced that the United States was formally review its embassy in Tripoli, which was closed in the early days of the conflict. The U.S. ambassador will return, he said. Military advance team was the capital of Libya last week to prepare again.

  For Obama, Libya represents a much needed victory for foreign policy in the midst of difficult times at home. The first time commits the U.S. military involvement Libya reluctantly, after being pressed by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and other members of his administration, and tried to outline a limited role for U.S. . Still, the overthrow of Colonel Qaddafi allows Obama to point to Libya as an example of how the U.S. can balance assistance to democratic movements in the region against domestic opposition to foreign intervention, especially during tight economic times.

  The challenge for Obama, however, is that even when he was publicly proclaiming their support for the United Nations of a new state of Libya, U.S. officials worked furiously behind the scenes to ensure that the UN does not a similar recognition of a Palestinian state. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has vowed to continue with a state before the Security Council this week, U.S. officials say that the United States to veto this application, you must obtain the approval of the General Council. Obama talks with Abbas on Wednesday, a senior government official.

